
Fraserburgh Foodbank Centre – 1 year since opening

14th September 2021

Fraserburgh Foodbank Centre has been open for one year today and it seems like a good opportunity to explain about some of the work that has been going on.

We opened in the height of the pandemic, having secured the property in April 2020, and used it as a distribution point. We were then safely able to open in the September and since this time we have supported 727 households, which has included 1315 adults and 313 children by providing each person with at least 3 days worth of nutritionally balanced food as well as toiletries, pet food and household cleaning products.

An example of food being delivered to rural areas on one day.


We provide a local collection service for those that live in the town and a delivery service to those that live in rural areas. We work on a referral basis, so people need to be referred to us from other organisation such as Citizen’s Advice, health, education etc. This is because it’s really important that people are getting support with their circumstances.

In October we developed a partnership with Aberdeen Foyer and we provide a Financial Inclusion Service to all those who wish to take it, where people can make sure they are reducing all benefits and income they are entitled to, get support to reduce monthly costs, and  get support with certain debts.

Prior to the Centre opening, we still played a significant role in Fraserburgh and the surrounding area, with a number of organisations we work with holding emergency food boxes that were provided locally. Since 2015 we have supported 1665 households of 2939 people in the Fraserburgh & District Area.

None of this would have been possible with the amazing support of our volunteer team, members of the public who donate regularly to us and local businesses who support us, as well as Aberdeenshire Council who support us with funding.

One of our volunteers, Shaun Sim, explains why volunteering is important to him

Knowing that it is benefitting many others is what drew me to starting there and is certainly a reason that I love volunteering as much as I do. When working I feel like the best version of myself as helping others who are unable to get food or buy their own, know that we are here to help them and I’m doing my bit for my community.

Our vision it to work towards the end of foodbanks and all charity food and where people have enough money to cover their costs and be able to be active members of their communities.

We do need your ongoing support in terms of food donations and also volunteering support. One of our volunteers, Helena Gilbert explains

I have been volunteering at the Fraserburgh Food Bank for a year and have seen first-hand the real need for us to be here, providing food and other essential items to the most vulnerable in our community.

We are always looking for more volunteers to continue what we do and you would be rewarded by knowing that giving a few hours of your time will make a difference to the life of others in need.

You can find more information on our website under ’Give Help’ in terms of where to donate food and also current volunteering opportunities.

Thank you again to everyone that is involved in supporting their local community. It really is an amazing example of #localpeoplehelpinglocalpeople.

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